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Being an avid reader, the bibliophile in me couldn’t help but start documenting her reads. That’s when TheInkSpiller was created. I started by writing about my reading experiences.


What my expectations were from the book, then going on about how it turned out to be.


Over time, I met a lot of like-minded bibliophiles virtually and even in-person to discuss books and life. I gradually started cold-emailing publishers and authors. I have worked with various publishers in India, Canada, and United States. This gets me some books ahead of their release, what more could a reader ask for.


This personal project has helped me develop myself as a copywriter, blogger, and photographer. It has helped me understand the world of Public Relations, the power of networking, and mainly the might of books bringing companies and individuals together!


The book of me is going to be an interesting one and this is just a prologue :)

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